The days have been flying by, with some way more productive than others around the farmette. Sheep are all well but not enjoying the recent heat and humidity here. Bill mowed the field the other day, and so they are busy picking through the cut weeds to find morsels they will eat; the pasture is definitely not large enough to support a flock this size for too long.
Taken by Lori on a recent visit |
The job of skirting the ten fleeces is finally done - definitely not one of my favorite events, but always an event. I rigged up a small table (which was really not tall enough, but now I know for next year!) and worked on the colored fleeces first, took a break and then got into the whites. I tossed Callie's entirely as it was just too full of veggie matter (pieces of hay and grass) and was very, very short. This has happened before with ewes that were carrying twins from what I remember, so maybe she put all her nutrients and energy into growing those beautiful lambs rather than into her wool. I am going to pick out two or three of the best fleeces and enter them into the Common Ground Fair's Fleece Competition this year and may end up selling some at the sale, too. It's exciting and fun to be doing more with their wool for sure.
Skirting on the side lawn |
So glad to see a post!!!!