Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hat Season

We're gearing up for some sort of hit from Sandy here along the coast, and hopefully we won't have much damage or lose power for long if at all. Some day a generator would be nice, but until then the candles, lanterns and charged cell and computer will suffice. The sheep barn has two windows that face   southeast and have been open all summer, so I am deciding to board them up as I have in the past for winter months or put some plexiglass in them. Tomorrow will be the day I decide and do whatever needs to be done, as the weather is supposed to start in on Sunday. Weekends never seem long enough.

These are some nice shots of the hats - thanks Katie for taking them!

These are some much better photos of the hats that I delivered to the shop in town, and I've had a few requests for commissions since - so hat season is in full swing. Since the Sunday will be a wash and outside chores will be out of the question, the needles will be clicking away inside at the Salty Ewe.


  1. Very nice! The colors are beautiful and I love your logo.

  2. Thank you, MJ! I love that you're reading my blog and appreciate your feedback very much.
