Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting Stuck.

Bill was mowing the field one last time and wanted to cut down the cattails that apparently bother him; he ended up getting stuck in the muck. He was not too happy. The tractor sat for hours and when Junior got home and tried to pull Bill's rig from the muddy mess, it was not successful. Both men were then angry and short on humor. I called Jed - who ended up coming over more to watch the scene than anything else, and he arrived at the same time as the wrecker.

Fence posts and fences were moved. 
The men spoke a language I didn't really understand.
The tractor was pulled out and everyone went home, leaving loosened earth and disheveled fencing.

Bill, Junior and Bob the Tow Guy
Getting stuck is never any fun, whether it's in mud or snow or ice or sand. I've been stuck in them all at one point or another in my life, and the getting unstuck has always taken work. Sometimes a push from a neighbor or passerby, and other times a winch and a chain. Once, I remember waiting for a tide to change in the Royal River after grounding a sailboat in a sandbar during a foggy sail with Seth. That took some patience. But, the stories that remain - the memories that shape our experiences and histories - they are the best part of getting stuck. And unstuck. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my, you've had a week. Hmmm, maybe Big Bill will learn to love cattails after this adventure . . . ?
