Sunday, November 21, 2010


Two beautiful girls
Sunny and cold on this Sunday morning before Thanksgiving. Woke to a bright red sunrise, brewed up some strong Maine roasted joe and took the walk down to the end of the lane without the beast for the first time in more than ten years. She has aged overnight and has not wanted to go on our morning walks for a couple of weeks now. This morning, I decided that I needed to start walking without her on the mornings she didn't feel up to it. It was an odd feeling - assuaged only by the incredible view and knowing she was home snoozing.
I started her on some Rimadyl a few days ago and it's definitely helping. Time will tell.
Beate has lived up to her name more than I ever could have imagined possible when I first got her back in February of 2000. She was born in Orland, Maine and delivered to me, sight unseen, by a young man who was at Maine Maritime and knew that I had recently lost my dog Annie. She arrived the day after Valentine's Day and has been an exemplary companion; she's the first dog that I have gotten as a puppy and trained on my own, and it's been an incredible experience working with such a smart animal. (sheep are really kind of dumb, even though I hate to admit that).

In addition to being wicked smart, Beate us insanely energetic, beautifully behaved (after those first months of complete destruction, which I have chosen to forget) and just overall an excellent dog. She has brought more joy than her name could suggest and while I know we have more mornings to walk the lane, I also know that there will be more mornings than not ahead when she will not feel up to walking. Being thankful for each of those days, regardless of what they may hold, is all the good shepherd can do.

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