Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Already!

I am not sure where July went, but August has begun with two gorgeous days and pretty high levels of productivity after what feels like a month of catching up and barely staying ahead of things. I pulled 100 heads of garlic from the garden and after two weeks of curing in the hot summer sun, it's been clipped and is good to go. The beds have apparently reached a level of maturity and the soil is perfect for the garlic, so next year I am planning to increase the garlic crop and hopefully find a nice market for it. With several local restaurants focusing on the whole farm-to-fork thing now, it doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to find at least one or two to sell to next year. When I took several sample heads to one local spot, Fifty Local, the chef asked right off about the scapes, so I know that he would be interested in those as well. Since I'm not able to sell the sheep to people who will eat them, I need to find a way to make this little operation closer to sustainable.

Loki finding shade on a hot day

The weekly rental of the house next summer will be another way for me to make my sheep hobby a more realistic long term venture, too, and so hoping that I can find a perfect market and great clientele to rent for next July and August. Getting the house ready and will be posting some pictures here as well as on the new Facebook page I started for The Salty Ewe Farm. Spread the word ... and know that this is more than a sneaky way for me to see more family and friends! But, that works, too!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking back through some older posts, and on the last day of July in 2010, the post started with the exact same sentence as this one. So begins the informal field study...
