It's been a long time since I have posted anything - not too sure what that's about, but I suspect it's a combination of things: my camera bit the dust in late June and I guess I do enjoy writing in connection to images more than I'd thought; until just recently, my internet connection at home was unreliable and maybe I just needed a break from the writing. From everything. The day job can really suck the lifeblood out of me, and so taking a serious break from the routine is necessary in order to keep doing it and doing it well. My next career will not involve such an emotional energy drain, but that's as far as the planning has gone on that issue. For now, the Salty Ewe Farm will continue to be the place and state of mind that keeps me grounded and forging ahead in the work of teaching and learning.
That business of teaching and learning never stops for the sometimes salty shepherd. Take this scat shot for example. I think it's the fisher cat leaving his calling card right in my driveway. I found several other piles of poop covered up in a similar manner along Bufflehead Lane on a few morning walks in past weeks, but there have been two droppings like this one in my driveway in the last week or so. The whole notion of being aware enough to notice these things, let alone be motivated to go in to the house to get the camera (on computer) to take pictures of it is what it's all about, in the end. Then thinking about it - learning about scat - until something else catches my eye and pulls my thoughts elsewhere.
whose scat?
Scat mystery solved. Not a fisher - but rather the uber mean feline from down the road. I watched him yesterday from my back deck as he did his deed (with apparent ritual) and had to admit I was happy to solve the mystery.