Saturday, November 12, 2011

Full Circles.

Hercules is coming this morning, and it feels like an auspicious day here at the farmette. Bill will hopefully find a suitable new home soon, allowing the new guy to take over his suite - hopefully as soon as possible; for now, he'll have his own quarters with the ability to see some of the girls from a safe distance. And will eventually have Maya and maybe one of the white ewes join him if all goes well...He seems to have quite a following - as does Romney Ridge Farm, where he's coming from. Kelly has been a great source of information and knowledge for me, and I'm thrilled and honored to be the recipient of one of her sheep!

In return, she's going to be meeting my sheep and making a, we'll be moving and shifting some sheep around here today. An exciting day and feeling full circle. The fact that this new ram is spotted/mottled reminds me of my old jacob sheep, whose coloring I loved and have missed. When I first saw pictures of Hercules when he was a new lamb, it brought back those jacob memories right away - and until then, I had not known that the piebald gene was present in the babydoll sheep. So, the addition of colors and patterns to my little flock feels like a perfect full circle. The Shuttleworths would be pleased, I think. I am.

jacob twins back in the day.

1 comment:

  1. Sheperdess get up early, to the delight of your fans. Wish I were there.
