Tuesday, January 18, 2011

red sky at morning, sailors take warning

Winter Sunrise at Salty Ewe Farm
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Waking up to sunrises like this one have a way of making cold, winter mornings so enjoyable. Even more so knowing I do not need to go out on the water to earn my living! The colors are not as vivid in the image as they were in reality (due to the flash I guess), but you can get a sense of what the critters at the Salty Ewe and I are fortunate enough to wake up to each morning.

The other day during the blizzard, some man stopped alongside the road, which had not yet been plowed, and took a bunch of pictures of the field. I stood at the window watching him, wondering why he would be standing out there in 40 mph winds and blowing snow to take pictures of my pasture. But, then I remembered that it is an incredible view. A really beautiful open space in an area with fewer and fewer of those, and so it made sense suddenly that he would want to capture the wildness of the wind and snow across the field. The fact that I get to look at it, live on it, wake up to it and go to sleep on it is nothing to take for granted. And, I don't.

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