Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow, Snow, Snow

It was 8 AM before I even thought about making my way down to the barn this morning. Woke to the automated school closure phone call and was up brewing up some coffee before it had gotten light - or started to snow too much for that matter. It's blowing and snowing heavily and has been all morning. At times, it's been nearly white out conditions. Beautiful, but not the weather you want to go out and play in.

On days like this, the barn doors stay closed. There are enough gaps around windows and doors to keep the ventilation good for them, and they're happier when they're dry and warm. I assume they are at least.

It's been a day of reading and cooking, looking out the window and playing with the dog and cats. Beate ran out of sight this morning, when it was still dark outside and snowing lightly, and brought me her tennis ball. We've been out twice since. She loves the snow. The cats, on the other hand, have no interest in going out in this weather.  I love the snow.  
Sitting here, smelling the sweet paperwhites, and listening to the wind howl outside. Watching it snow.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed catching up on your posts this morning. They are lovely as usual.
