Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Last week, I received a beautiful hydrangea plant from my colleagues at the day job. It is a gorgeous plant and unlike any other hydrangea that I have ever seen in Maine before, and I am eager for the snow to melt and ground to thaw so it can be planted in the ground outside. I've decided to use it as a focal point in a garden that I am going to design and plant in memory of not only Beate, but also of my first dog Annie and cats Blue and Oscar. I have held on to the ashes of two (Oscar is under a tree in my old home, across the street) for many years and as last week unfolded and I sat for a few days with the emptiness of losing Beate, it dawned on me that it was time to take the boxes off the shelf and let go of some of that history.
Having a small sitting garden with a little bench and maybe a small water feature is the initial plan - to create a spot where I can sit, remember, and find peace.

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