Thursday, September 30, 2010


I was really wrong about the far, it's been as vivid as last year's, and these dark and foggy days seem to make the colors pop even more. We've had thick fog for the past several days in the morning, with one morning so dense that I could not see the back half of the field until I walked up to it. Temperatures are still warm - hence the fog - and so the sheep are enjoying some good grazing weather still; even though the nutrients in the grass are dwindling, they keep on mowing away. Bill has settled into his pen pretty well, too. He still makes some angry-sounding baa's when the ewes start to graze too far away from him, but they are sticking pretty close to his pen lately. A sure sign that they are ready, too.
We're finally going to get the rain we need tonight and tomorrow - and some high winds, too. I got in a small load of hay yesterday afternoon - in between rainy days. Am hoping to fill the hayloft this weekend, which is always a good feeling. It was a great summer for hay, about the opposite of last summer, and I am loving the quality of the bales that Larry has put aside for me. When I went yesterday afternoon, I saw two baby Chihuahuas - about 3 weeks old. Smallest dogs that I have ever seen. His miniature goat Button is the one who I am always drawn to over there, though. A goat that acts like a dog. I wonder if adding one to my flock would help with some of the weeds.

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