Sunday, August 8, 2010

Skunks and the State Fair

Odin the cat would not come in last night, so when I heard a small crash at midnight, I instinctively jumped up and let the dog out to inspect. Bad idea. Chasing ensued, strong scent of skunk permeated the cool night  air and seeped its way into my whole little house within seconds. Still no cat. Thankfully, dog was not hit. Just the house smelled. Eventually, the cat decided he would come in and then we all slept soundly until dawn. Smell has subsided, mixed with a little salt air and some salty ewe poo, and it's a typical morning here at the Salty Ewe Farm.
No segue here, but Nathan took Tulip and Hendricks to Bangor last week and they were quite well-received. Did not do too well in the natural colored class, as I expect their fleeces are still too short to be judged, but I am not sure. He did tell me that there were not enough Babydolls being shown in Maine to be judged as a class, and so I am hoping that maybe we can try to change that. Apparently, there need to be at least four or five animals to create a classification. I may be naive, but would there be any drawbacks to having the breed represented in fairs and shows? From what I have read online, other states so have the breed in competition. Since I am one of three breeders of Babydolls in Maine - Romney Ridge and Spinakees the other two - maybe there is not enough interest? It'll be interesting to find out.

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